Thursday, June 3, 2010

Corey's memorial service.

It came as a shock to all of us to hear that Corey had died in a car accident.

I cried in sorrow and felt the loss we all felt of Corey's death,

It's OK to cry.

We cry for our friend

who laughed, played and grew up with us.

We cry for a boy we taught, who wanted to learn.

He showed us that everyone can learn - if they try.

We cry for our buddy that we used to help in class.

He showed us that we can help and support others.

We cry as parents who know how precious our children are

and how they are all special.

After the crying comes the remembering,

the talking of things Corey had done,

The laughing about funny little things -

like his enthusiastic singing,

or wanting to hug everyone.

I like to believe that no one is truely dead

while they are still alive in our memories.

So let's keep Corey alive by remembering him.

Mrs Robyn Dunn.


  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely words at our Memorial for Corey. You spoke very well - no easy task at a sad time like this.

  2. We will certainly do that. It's easy to do because he left us with lots of great memories.

  3. We will also remember his wonderful smile and bright eyes. He just loved Show Day.
    Mrs Duffin

  4. Thanks for sharing your special words. In a difficult time you managed to put all our feelings into words. Thanks.

  5. Thanks Mrs Dunn. And Corey's friends are so brave - even at this sad time they were able to speak at the service, saying all sorts of neat things about Corey.
    Mrs Murphy
