Thursday, June 9, 2011


On Friday the drug dog came to Tomarata School, it was called India and it was a girl.
First the teachers lined up and one of them had a wallet that used to have a drug in it. It didn't have any drug but the dog could still smell it. It walked right up to Mr McNaughten because he had the wallet in his pocket. Then India got her squeaky toy, she really liked that and went squeak, squeak, squeak - she was really excited about that toy.
Then we all got to pat her, she was a very nice dog and very smart too.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


On Wednesday it was soccer /hockey day. First we got told to go and sit down in the grandstand at Port Albert.Then we had to get into our line with our group down on the grass and then the soccer/hockey games began.

We had a good team because we always won all of our games, the others tried hard to win.

I liked soccer the most because I am better at playing it then hockey. It was fun playing all the other teams from Tauhoa, Pakiri, Living Way, Tapora and us - Tomarata.

By Lewis

Sneeze safe

On Thursday the sneeze safe drama club came to see us.
They told us the four steps to keeping sneeze safe and they were TRAP IT,BIN IT,WASH IT and DON'T EAT IT!!
They told us to look out for a big blue germ.
And we found it and stopped him for once and for all by doing the four steps.
They were spraying us with water in little spray bottles because it was what happens when you sneeze.It was so cool.
It was a awesome day and now we all know how to be sneeze safe by sneezing into our hands or our elbow, then wash our hands.

Rhianna Schedewy.

Auckland Museum General

We went for a walk around Auckland Museum

it was fun. We saw awhole plane inside the museum, it was a war plane called a Zero.

Inside the museum they have an aquarium that has four crabs, one enormous crayfish and a little fish.

Then we saw a volcano movie about an eruption happening in Auckland, it was fun when the whole room shook like we were in a real earthquake - some girls screamed. But it was not real.

I saw the bones of a moa and it was so big, I did not know they were that big.

There was so much to see in the museum and I want to go back.

By Blu

Auckland Museum Maori Gallery

We went to the maori gallery at the museum it was awesome! We saw lots and lots of Maori carving there. We saw a Maori canoe flying in mid air that could seat 100 people!.
There was heaps of Maori knives and all kinds of other stuff that I can also say OMG too.
There was a Maori marae, it is so big that you can even go inside it but you have to take off your shoes. It is funny going inside a house when you are inside a big building.
I want to go again with my family because it was so awesome and you can't see it all in one day.
By Kaylee Woolley

Auckland Museum Pacific Gallery

ROOMS 4,5,6 went to the Auckland museum. I saw some maori weapons and green stones and a big volcano. I saw some big dinosour bones, they were so big that they filled up the room. I went in a room like a lounge and their was a earthquake it felt like was like a real one but it wasn't.
In the Pascific gallery I saw a big canoe with a big sail on it.
We saw lots of weapons and spears and clothes made from woven flax. There was cloaks made from feathers too and they even had killed a kiwi for a maori cloak.
They had a map of the pacific islands and we found New Zealand, Australia, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands.
By Nathan

McCain Vegetable Garden Visit

A McCain garden man came to our school and he talked to us about gardens and what to grow in them.Then Room 4 and 5 went into the library and he talked to us about gardens.
Then we went to the school garden and we talked about the plants and weeds and we looked at the fruit and veges.
Then we went to see the McCains red truck. It was the red truck on the add.
We got some photos with him by the red truck.Then Room 4 and 5 lined up to get a badge, it said "I'm a McCains vege patch school kid."
By Emma Drinkrow and Janice Kirkwood.