Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Very cool

Scary and exciting

Creepy and very strange


By Storm De Haan.

At Tawharanui there were caves by the beach. They were very dark. We all ran into the cave and we found you could go from one cave into another cave. It was very exciting in the darkness and hearing the waves outside the cave.


Tawharanui swimming

The big waves were fun. Every one was running into the water the adults were making a space for kids and we were not aloud to go past them.

We loved swimming in the water at Tawharanui. The waves tumbled us around and we got knocked over. It was so exciting, I loved it!

By Rachel

By Rachel Logue.

By Rachel


At first we went on a walk around Tawharanui Park. It went up hills and it was a big forrest full of birds and native bush. It was very pretty and I liked it. There was lots of steps it took for ages to go up them!.at the end we saw the beach and we wlked along looking in all the rock pools. It was a beautiful day. We stopped to play in the long grass it got ichy.When we went for a walk on the beach we found heaps of shells. We found some caves and they were cool as. Then we walked back to the place we started andwe had lunch. It was a very long walk and with the birds, bush, rock pools and caves it was an adventure.

By Kaylee


When rooms 4 and 5 went to Tawharanui Mr Pucket talked to us about pests.

These are the kind of pests he talked about - Cats ,Possums

Stoats,Weezels, hedgehogs, rats and ferrets. They are pests because they eat birds and their eggs.

He talked to us about the traps of Tawharanui. They put poison and traps out with eggs in them to catch the pests.

Tawharanui is a save place for the native birds to breed and be happy living without the pests.



We were pretending we were out on the farm and we had fallen into the dam or ditch or stream with our clothes on, because when you fall in you are wearing your clothes and gumboots.

First we got our gumboots and jacket on

then four people got up on the side ready to fall in. Then we jumped into the pool and we had to kick off our gumboots because you cannot swim with gumboots, they are so heavy , you would just sink to the bottom. Then we had to get our jacket off because when you jump in your jacket weighs about a ton and you can't swim so you have to get out of it.

It was so so fun, we did it again and again and now I know what to do if I fell into a dam or pond or river or the sea.

By Janice Kirkwood.


Floaty fun day was awesome beceause we got to jump on whales, also we got to jump on the other grey whale, lilos, blow up balls, masks and filppers - everything for the pool. It was sooo much fun!!!

There was heaps of different things to play with and we got to swap when Mrs Dunn blew the whistle so everyone got to try everything.

Everyone had so much fun, I hope next year we could do it again.

Kathleen Craig.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We had a red and black day to raise money for th Christchurch eathquake.

Everyone wore red and black and some kids like me changed our hair. On the day before red and black day Mum shaved a red cross in my hair. She put red paint in a cross on my head. I felt nervous but everyone loved it!

We raised a lot of money for the people of Christchurch.

By Ryan