Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nadia Tomarata School speech finalist

On windy days at Tomarata School there is litter blowing around everywhere! – paper, gladwrap, muesli bar wrappers and small chippie packets.

It looks horrible.
How can we make our school litter free?
We can make less litter if we use containers instead of gladwrap.

You can use lunch wrap instead of gladwrap.
Did you know that gladwrap never breaks down in the landfill? So don’t use glapwrap or there will be plastic rubbish everywhere.

You could make your food instead of buying it in a packet. That will be cheaper for you and we will have less rubbish at our school.
I think everyone should not litter at our school and if you have a litterless lunch with no gladwrap or wrappers or plastic bags then we would have no litter at our school and we would have less rubbish in the landfill.

Can you make a litterless lunch?
Yes you can!
