Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wacky Wednesday By Aniwa

We came to school on Wednesday 29th February and we saw jandals stuck to the window and loads of children in really weird
costumes and heaps of people in pyjamas . After lunch Mrs Dunn got out her toaster and we had toast for breakfast!.It was great to see all the lovely suits.Our teachers picked the best two. Our best two were Wyatt and Micheal. Wyatt had a snake around his neck and a necklace, Michael had a pillow stuffed up his jumper and he looked really fat.We really enjoined Wacky Wednesday and we hope it comes around again.


  1. i dressed up us a fat guy, I stufted a pillow
    up my tee-shirt and I found my straw hat. It was a very funny day.

    by Michael

  2. I think the story is great. I really enjoyed dressing up for Wacky Wednesday. I dressed up in my pyjamas,dressing gown and slippers.

    by Nadia.

  3. I had my pyjammas on and it felt funny wearing them at school but it felt Ok when we had breackfast after lunch! by Dylan
