Sunday, April 10, 2011

It was a dark and stormy night...

IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT By Claire Keven. It was a dark and stormy night, the wind howled through a crack in the house. “I’m bored” said the Chief “Tell us a story” “How about” said Antonio, “It was a dark and stormy night. The wolves slowly crept up…” “I don’t like wolves, why can’t it be a beach?” yelled the Chief. “It was a sunny day” continued Antonio, “The seagulls squawked” “Stupid seagulls” growled the Chief “How about” started Antonio, “Delicious fruit dropped down from tall trees” “Where’s the ice cream?” said the Chief “Fine” said Antonio “Once upon a time the Chief and Antonio where lying on the beach” “What about the chairs?” said the Chief “You’re getting really annoying” said Antonio. “Once upon a time Antonio and the Chief,” started Antonio “Were sitting on their chairs” “I want a book” said the Chief “For goodness sake” said Antonio, “Once upon a time” started Antonio, “Three dragons came and ate the Chief. The End!!”

1 comment:

  1. I really like this story. It made me laugh and was very cleverly written. I think it is yours Claire?
    Mrs Duffin
