Monday, December 6, 2010

Room four was the best room in the whole school six children won places in the inter school cross country.
Rosa got 1st ,Lily ,Sam & Ethan got 2nd and Nicky & James got third.
It was very hard, we were competing with five other schools.
The schools were Tauhoa, Tapora, Pakiri, Living Way and the best school Tomarata!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Walks around Martins Bay - By Max

On Monday and Tuesday we went for a long walk all around Scandretts Bay. It was tiring it took about an hour and a half on total of both of those days so it was about three hours of walking. It was a very big journey. We walked all around Scandretts Bay I was mostly at the front and some people were pushy.
We were not aloud in front of Mrs Dunn and the other adults were the sweepers so we were not aloud behind them.On the first walk we went on the nature walk behing the camp. We went past a big puriri tree, it was so big but not as big as a kauri tree. We went past little paths so we tried not to overtake people but some people did. Then we walked along the Scandretts Bay road and dropped down onto Martins Bay beach.
On the second walk we went up the Martins Bay beach, then we walked around the steep cliffs and went down to the Scandretts old farm, then we went up a really, really steep hill, we were climbing up to the road. Then we went back down the beach to camp. We were all puffed after that.
By Max
Thursday, December 2, 2010

On Tuesday 23 we were doing archery - it was awesome! I've never done anything like that in my life. You had to set up the bow and put the arrow on the fletch holder. Rob showed us how to do it, he said you had to make a T-form with your body and stand up really straight. Then you had to stand sideways with your feet and think about where your head is.
It looks easy when Rob does it but it is not!
I got the arrows in the bushes three times .The third time it went in the thorns so I got the other side of the arrow where it wasn't pointy. After seven times I got the red part of the target and I felt pretty good to finally hit the target.
Rob was really funny.
by Nyah
Martins Bay Sailing - By Joseph

Sailing is really fun .I did it with Max. I learnt that the ropes on the sail are called the sheet. When I went sailing I was in charge of the rudder and Max was in charge of the sheet.
The sail boat was kind of slow. Then me and Max swopped places. Max was the rudder and I was the sheet. I went out really far out away from the beach. It was bumpy and the bout started taking in water but it didn't sink. I almost hit my head on the boom .When we went up to land we started hearing scratching noises and when I got out of the boat I was soaking wet. Sailing was really fun and I wanted to do it again.
Cricket tournament Rafe.

On December the 2nd ten people were selected by the teachers (Mrs Dunn & Mrs Salt) to go to the cricket tournament at Warkworth, luckily I was chosen. Five schools were competing they were Ahuroa, Warkworth, Matakana, Mahurangi Christian and Tomarata.
Doing cricket was great fun we played three heats and one final in the final we came seventh and we won some Milo kiwi cricket prizes.
In our heats we versed Matakana, then Ahuroha and then Warkworth then in the final it was Ahuroha again.
It was a great day and I had an awesome time.
Camping out - sleeping - Lily

At camp we did a lot of things but I know after a long day all we wanted to do was have a shower, get in pyjamies & snuggle in the tent. But it was always a lot less simple than that! We all had hectic showers! Squabbling over who got in first, who to trade coins with. Then finally sorting ourselves out and getting into our sleeping bags.
In my tent I shared with two other girls. Called Rosa and Nicky. At night time we wrote in our camp diaries, talked about the day, told spooky stories that were meant to be scary but turned out always to involve a monkey man and in that case causing us to laugh.
Later on we did puppet plays, perhaps at 10 o'clock. We made our hands and fingers look like chickens and bunnies let alone wonkey tractors! And don't even get started with my completely over the moon type farmer! Anyway at 10:30pm we usually drifted off. But Nicky fell off her lilo and onto my inch high sleeping mat! So then I slept on the floor leaving only Rosa on her own comfy bed!
By morning we were almost every morning the last or first tent to wake up. It was a great camp and I'll never forget just how much fun we had!
By Lily
Water Safety and Swimming - Kiarnan

Then the man talked to us about hypothermia, that's when you get very cold after your boat has sunk. You should huddle together as a big group to keep warm. We practised huddling and I was in the middle when our whole class huddled because the smaller people go in the middle.
He also showed us how to put your life jacket on properly so it is tight and you won't slip out of it.
Then we went for a swim in our life jackets and we huddled in groups. It was fun and a good technique to keep warm in the water.

The Talent Show at Matins Bay Camp By Matthew

I liked the talent show my favourite talent was Hugos diablo. The bubblegum skit was really funny. Shane and Lukes one was cool because they both played one guitar at the same time, Luke strummed and Shane did the chords. Remo and Hugos duck food skit was funny when Remo kept asking for duck food and Hugo didn't have any. Then Hugo said he would staple his feet to the floor if he asked for duck food again. Then Remo said "Do have any staples?" and Hugo said "We're out of stock and Remo said "That's ok, do you have any duck food?"
The talents were very good and we laughed a lot.
Kayaking at Martins Bay. - Claire

When I first found out we were doing kayaking. I was kind of scared. I had never been kayaking before. My friends started jumping up and down. But when we started kayaking I realised how fun it is.
Larissa Davies and I paddled out deeper.Then out of the blue Scott came whizzing along towing Piripi from the rubber dinghy.It looked like Piripi was zooming along! He unrapped the loop that was holding Piripi's kayak to the dingy. Very quickly the rest of us caught up.
When it was time to swap kayaks we grabbed each others kayaks. Piripi was the first to move . He slowly crawled across. Finally we all had swopped and started heading out deeper. We grabbed each others boats. Darcie,Ethan,Kaleb and Piripi jumped in. Darcie flipped her kayak and Scott helped her get back on. Piripi flipped his to and Darcie had to help him. Finally we went back. That was a great day to remember.
By Claire.

On Wednesday the 24 of November Room 4 did mountain boarding in our activity groups and it was really fun!I fell off the mountain board and got a wobbly tooth!!
First we had pushes on the flat ground and it was cool.
Then we did it on a small hill and that was OK.
Then did it from the top of a big hill and that was really scary!!! The mountain board was going faster and faster and it flipped and I fell off - then I went back to practising on the little hill.
We had to wear knee pads, elbow pads and wrist pads as well.
It was starting to spit but we didn't care,we carried on with mountain boarding because it was awesome.
Then it was afternoon tea. We had fun doing mountain boarding
By Abbey.
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